mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Traduction de La réplique inattendue en anglais

La maison d'éditions Europe Comics vient de sortir la traduction de La réplique inattendue en anglais, uniquement sous le format kindle (pour les liseuses) 
The Amazing Adventures of Jules  

Traduction de l'Imparfait du futur en anglais

La maison d'éditions Europe Comics vient de sortir la traduction de L'imparfait du futur en anglais, uniquement sous le format kindle (pour les liseuses) 
The Amazing Adventures of Jules


mercredi 8 novembre 2017

Europe Comics était présent aux Lucca Comics & Games 2017 d'un article publié sur le site ''Europe Comics''  le 8 novembre 2017.
"We were proud to be present this year with French author Émile Bravo (The Amazing Adventures of Jules, Dargaud), who has several books published in Italy, including a number of children’s books with BAO in addition to his celebrated Spirou one-shot Le journal d’un ingénu (Dupuis; Il diario di un ingenuo, Nona Arte). He was on hand for several signing sessions, but also to share his knowledge and insight about what goes into making comics for younger readers.
Those who attended Bravo’s events were in for a treat. He spoke about his craft with clarity and humor, the highlight undoubtedly being a panel discussion on Saturday morning about the importance of comics for children. Alongside Raina Telgemeier (Ghosts, Baby-sitters Club, Scholastic/Graphix), and the tandem Federico Bertolucci and Frédéric Brrémaud (Little Tails, published in English by Magnetic Press), he spoke about the crucial role comics can play in children’s lives, introducing them to the real world gradually through humor and stories they can relate to, and he explained how natural drawing is—or should be. After all, what is the first thing children do when you put a crayon into their hands? And despite the importance our society places on writing, it’s important to keep drawing even as you grow up. Not only are the two forms complementary, in Bravo’s view, but drawing can cross borders in a way writing can’t. All of the creators present, despite their different backgrounds and styles, agreed on these main points, without forgetting one last thing: drawing is also a way for adults to connect back with their childhood, and to learn how to play again."

Émile Bravo (left) presenting his Spirou one-shot, with translator Fabrizio Iacona.