mercredi 27 janvier 2010

Spirou n° 3738

Une image extraite du magasine Spirou n° 3738
Illustration du haut de page de la question du père.
Tome 5 d'une épatante aventure de Jules.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

mardi 26 janvier 2010

Spirou n° 3738

Une image extraite du magasine Spirou n° 3738
Illustration du haut de page de la question du père.
Tome 5 d'une épatante aventure de Jules.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

lundi 25 janvier 2010

Spirou n° 3738

Une image extraite du magasine Spirou n° 3738
Illustration du haut de page de la question du père.
Tome 5 d'une épatante aventure de Jules.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

dimanche 24 janvier 2010

Spirou n° 3738

Une image extraite du magasine Spirou n° 3738
Illustration du haut de page de la question du père.
Tome 5 d'une épatante aventure de Jules.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

samedi 23 janvier 2010

TV Amiens, des livres et nous - Interview d'Emile Bravo

"Des Livres & Nous, diffusée sur TV Amiens, a pour ambition de promouvoir la lecture et de vous entraîner dans des univers variés, au gré des livres et de leurs histoires.
Nous allons ainsi à la rencontre de ceux qui font le livre, au sens propre comme au figuré: les écrivains, les libraires, les éditeurs, les associations...
Invité des Bulles du Lundi organisées chaque mois par l'Association On a marché sur la Bulle, nous rencontrons Émile Bravo, auteur de bande-dessinée, au Centre culturel Léo Lagrange.
L'occasion d'évoquer avec lui son parcours et la façon dont il envisage son métier." (extrait) 

 Des livres et nous le blog de l'émission
Interview : Alexandra Oury
Date: 19 01 2010

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

Dessin encore disponible chez "on a marché sur la bulle"

Description :
Dessin original pour l'exposition Planète Bravo consacrée à Emile Bravo sur les 14èmes Rendez-Vous de la Bande Dessinée d'Amiens.
Tirage 250 ex. numérotés et signés Format 30 x 40 cm
Support Papier Sensation 270g
Disponible par correspondance chez on a marché sur la bulle Prix 18 Euros + les frais de port.

jeudi 21 janvier 2010

My Mommy Is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill - Chronique anglaise

Five-year-old Jean has a busy father, a pugnacious younger brother, a grouchy schoolteacher, a kindhearted nanny…and a mother who has long been missing. Where has she gone? His next-door neighbor Michele seems to know and delivers regular postcards from around the world addressed to Jean from his mommy. At school, at home, and with family and friends, Jean slowly but surely comes to terms with the realities of the world out there and the strength within himself.
My Mommy Is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill is a semiautobiographical French comic album written by Jean Regnaud and illustrated by Émile Bravo. Critically acclaimed, it has won both the 2008 Essentials Award at the 35th Festival of Angoulême, France, and the 2008 Tam Tam Literary Award from the Salon du Livres et de la Presse Jeunesse. Bravo’s short story “Young Americans” was nominated for an Eisner Award in 2008. This is the first of the creators’ long works to be published in an English translation.

On the surface, there does not seem to be much in the way of a narrative arc to the storyline. Jean’s days are a disjointed mixture of reading lessons, pillow fights, and annoying older relatives. Nothing world-shattering happens here, not even, for example, when a terrified Jean is instructed to visit a school psychoanalyst. But then, “world-shattering” would not be the point. In actuality, this graphic novel is an exquisitely subtle coming-of-age tale: It begins with a young boy anxious about what other people think of his motherless family and ends with that same boy, only half a year later, located happily in a world where only he—and not who, what, or where his mother is—matters. It is, in short, about the realization of a child’s selfhood.

Artistically, this comic is a fascinating amalgamation of visual techniques. Some pages are little more than pinup illustrations with or without accompanying text, identical to what you might find in a children’s picture book. Other pages are sequences of sequential art without panels, while still others have conventional comic-book-style panels and layouts. There are also numerous single-sheet vignettes that resemble the sort of situational humor that is the bread and butter of newspaper funnies. The last works especially well, given that both the artwork’s style and the story’s thematic mood bear a certain amount of resemblance to Charles Schultz’s Peanuts.

My Mommy Is in America and She Met Buffalo Bill has been published in English by Fanfare as an oversized hardcover book that builds an elegant, transitional bridge between children’s picture books and graphic novels. By teaching young people the set of visual literacies necessary to read sequential art, this modest yet meticulously crafted work may help to make some of them lifelong comic book readers. Furthermore, the volume is high-quality and durable enough to sustain the countless rereadings of a young fan—or fans.

Source: GraphicNovelReporter
Auteur : Casey Brienza